Sunday, August 5, 2007

001 | open yourself to me

first post! victory!

playing around with custom brushes. i've always been a default brushes guy, and use only a couple custom brushes frequently. so, in the hopes of expanding my aptitude with custom brushes and maximizing photoshop's features, here's a practice piece. oh, what am i saying, this entire blog is all about practice!


Anonymous said...

sorry about my ignorance but i havent really tried digital painting. what are custom brushes??

chester said...

custom brushes are those which are not included in photoshop's default brush sets. kinda like a digital paint brush set. brush settings such as shape, opacity, pressure sensitivity, etc. are adjusted to create variations or customizations of the brushes.

custom brushes may be tweaks of pre-existing photoshop brushes, or totally brand new shapes and forms converted into a brush.

it's all technical, but i hope that helps. :)

Anonymous said...

Wooo, glad to see some fresh output from you on a regular basis! I wish I had the courage you had to put something raw up. At least you're producing something your own, right? I oughta take some inspiration from you.

Kudos and hope you keep this blog going strong!

Anonymous said...

i love the hair. wow.